Saturday 14 February 2015

Beginning the long road

So, most of us, if not all of us that hop on to the internet have at some point started an internet hobby that we could not finish. It's the internet, heck, I could have started to study towards a course in astro-physics, but we all know where that road leads to.

So i started this blog as a course requirement in one of my I.T. classes, and since i completed the course, i saw no reason to continue with it anymore, but for a few days now, I have been wondering about this blog, primarily because i have been spending so much time on GSMArena that i thought to myself, "hey, why not pick up that half started job you tried to start a couple of months ago, you obviously love the techno babble, and you have at least a mediocre understanding of what's happening in the techno world, so why don't you blog to people that are more like you, the misfits and half breeds of the net world...(we know ourselves), the internet is filled with people like myself (you could be one of them), why the heck not!!"

So I decided to come back to web and blog away a little bit of my free time...just a little bit though, you loosers can't have all my time, oh no Mr. or Ms...not the Mrs too.


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